Incentive Pay and Bank Risk-Taking: Evidence from Austrian, German and Swiss Banks
Journal of International Economics, Vol. 96 (2015), S123-S140,
with M. Efing, P. Kampkötter and J. Steinbrecher
Dieser Autor hat noch keine Biografie hinzugefügt.Der Autor Harald Hau hat 138 Einträge verfasst.
Journal of International Economics, Vol. 96 (2015), S123-S140,
with M. Efing, P. Kampkötter and J. Steinbrecher
Journal of International Money and Finance, Vol. 47 (2014), 304-331
Journal of Financial Economics, Vol. 116 (2014), 46-60
with Matthias Efing
Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik, 14(3–4) (2013), 186–197
Economic Policy, Vol. 28(74) (2013), 289-333
with Sam Langfield and David Marques-Ibanez
Journal of Financial Economics, Vol. 109 (2013), 392-408
with Sandy Lai
Review of Financial Studies, Vol. 24(12) (October 2011), 3891-3940
Review of Financial Studies, Vol. 23(4) (2010), 1681-1717
with Massa and Peress
Journal of International Money and Finance, Vol. 29(2) (2010), 358-386
with Peter Dunne and Michael Moore
European Finanical Review, February – March 2011
with Johannes Steinbrecher and Marcel Thum