décembre 29, 2024/par Harald HauDoes Shareholder Overlap Alleviate Patent Holdup?Research Policy, forthcoming with Heng Geng, Sandy Lai and Pengfei Liu
juillet 14, 2024/par Harald HauCan Real Estate Booms Hurt Firms? Evidence on Investment SubstitutionJournal of Urban Economics, 2024 with Difei Ouyang
décembre 1, 2023/par Harald HauFinTech Credit and Entrepreneurial GrowthJournal of Finance, 2024 with Yi Huang, Chen Lin, Hongzhe Shan, Zixia Sheng, and Lai Wei
novembre 1, 2023/par Harald HauThe Consumption Response to Minimum Wages: Evidence from Chinese HouseholdsReview of Economics and Statistics, 2024 with Ernest Dautovic and Yi Huang
juin 1, 2022/par Harald HauBank Bonus Pay as a Risk Sharing ContractReview of Financial Studies, forthcoming with Matthias Efing, Patrick Kampkötter and Jean-Charles Rochet
février 22, 2022/par Harald HauGlobal Portfolio Rebalancing and Exchange RatesReview of Financial Studies, 2022, Vol. 35(11), 5228-5274 with Nelson Camanho and Helene Rey
juillet 11, 2020/par Harald HauDiscriminatory Pricing of Over-The-Counter DerivativesManagement Science, 2021, Vol. 67(11), 6660-6677 with Peter Hoffmann, Sam Langfield, and Yannick Timmer
juin 14, 2019/par Harald HauFirm Response to Competitive Shocks: Evidence from China’s Minimum Wage PolicyReview of Economic Studies, 2020, Vol. 87(6), 2639-2671 with Yi Huang and Gewei Wang
avril 19, 2019/par Harald HauHow FinTech Enters China’s Credit MarketAER Papers and Proceedings, 2019, 109: 60–64 with Yi Huang, Hongzhe Shan, and Zixia Sheng
février 24, 2016/par Harald HauThe Role of Equity Funds in the Financial Crisis PropagationReview of Finance, 2017, 77-108 with Sandy Lai
janvier 5, 2016/par Harald HauAsset Allocation and Monetary Policy: Evidence from the EurozoneJournal of Financial Economics, 2016, Vol. 120(2) with Sandy Lai
décembre 5, 2015/par Harald HauDealer Intermediation Between MarketsJournal of the European Economic Association, 2015, Vol. 13(5), 770-804 with Peter Dunne and Michael Moore
novembre 2, 2015/par Harald HauIncentive Pay and Bank Risk-Taking: Evidence from Austrian, German and Swiss BanksJournal of International Economics, Vol. 96 (2015), S123-S140, with M. Efing, P. Kampkötter and J. Steinbrecher
octobre 21, 2015/par Harald HauThe Exchange Rate Effect of Multi-Currency Risk ArbitrageJournal of International Money and Finance, Vol. 47 (2014), 304-331
octobre 20, 2015/par Harald HauStructured Debt Ratings: Evidence on Conflicts of InterestJournal of Financial Economics, Vol. 116 (2014), 46-60 with Matthias Efing
octobre 19, 2015/par Harald HauEuropas Bankenunion oder der Triumph der Hoffnung über die ErfahrungPerspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik, 14(3–4) (2013), 186–197
octobre 18, 2015/par Harald HauBank Ratings: What Determines their Quality?Economic Policy, Vol. 28(74) (2013), 289-333 with Sam Langfield and David Marques-Ibanez
octobre 17, 2015/par Harald HauReal Effects of Stock UnderpricingJournal of Financial Economics, Vol. 109 (2013), 392-408 with Sandy Lai
octobre 16, 2015/par Harald HauGlobal versus Local Asset Pricing: A New Test of Market IntegrationReview of Financial Studies, Vol. 24(12) (October 2011), 3891-3940
octobre 15, 2015/par Harald HauDo Demand Curves for Currencies Slope Down? Evidence from the MSCI Global Index ChangeReview of Financial Studies, Vol. 23(4) (2010), 1681-1717 with Massa and Peress
octobre 14, 2015/par Harald HauInternational Order Flows: Explaining Equity and Exchange Rate ReturnsJournal of International Money and Finance, Vol. 29(2) (2010), 358-386 with Peter Dunne and Michael Moore
octobre 13, 2015/par Harald HauHome Bias at the Fund LevelAmerican Economic Review P&P, Vol. 98(2) (May 2008), 333-338 with Hélène Rey
octobre 13, 2015/par Harald HauSubprime Crisis and Board (in-)Competence: Private vs. Public Banks in GermanyEconomic Policy, Vol. 24(60) (October 2009), 701-751 with Marcel Thum
octobre 12, 2015/par Harald HauThe Role of Transaction Costs for Financial Volatility: Evidence from the Paris BourseJournal of the European Economic Association, Vol. 4(4) (2006), 862-890
octobre 11, 2015/par Harald HauExchange Rate, Equity Prices and Capital FlowsReview of Financial Studies, Vol. 19 (April 2006), 273-317 with Hélène Rey
octobre 10, 2015/par Harald HauCan Portfolio Rebalancing Explain the Dynamics of Equity Returns, Equity Flows, and Exchange Rates?American Economic Review P&P, Vol. 96(2) (May 2004), 126-133 with Hélène Rey
octobre 9, 2015/par Harald HauHow has the Euro changed the Foreign Exchange Market?Economic Policy, Vol. 17(1) (2002), 149-192 with William Killeen and Michael Moore
octobre 8, 2015/par Harald HauThe Euro as an International Currency: Explaining Puzzling First Evidence from the Foreign Exchange MarketsJournal of International Money and Finance, Vol. 21(3) (2002), 351-383 with William Killeen and Michael Moore